Bài đăng

UI Components and Typography

All new Components and Typography writing formats for version 3. Looking for 2.6.5 Docs? Take a look at old documentation . Table of Co…

Getting Started

Just purchased the template? Let's get started. In order to download the theme or get support from team, you need to make a purchase thro…


Installation done? It's time to do some basic and important changes. Generate image url Throughout this reading, we shall need to gener…


Default Mode Light mode is used as default mode. To change it to Dark or System , you can follow these steps: Go to Theme Designer. Click…

Navigation Menu

The navigation menu is available in two versions, namely the default menu with additional dropdowns and an alternative menu without dropdowns, the de…


We provide first class support for Blogger , Disqus and Facebook comments on posts and pages. Not only that, you can use multiple comments platform…


The pagination plugin can be configured through Blogger Theme Designer. Go to Blogger Theme Designer. Click on Advanced tab. From the drop…

Google Adsense

A step-by-step guide to setup Google Adsense and manual ad units. Setup Adsense plugin Adsense script will be automatically loaded if your …